Please note annual playing fees on the database do NOT include any Club fees that may be payable. You must pay your Club fees before you can register on the data base.
Annual playing fees are determined as at 1 January of each year. All current playing fees and registration can be found on the database.
There are two elements to paying annual membership.
- Contact your Club Treasurer to pay Club membership fees. Once paid, the Club Treasurer will mark you as financial in the online national database. You are now ready to continue to registration with NT Polocrosse through the database. Access will be denied if you are not marked off as financial by your Club Treasurer.
- Click on the below link and log in. When renewing your membership in the Polocrosse Australia database, please check:
- your personal details category ie email, mobile, address and correct date of birth.
- check the membership category as costs relate to the membership category selected.
Payment is via credit or debit card only. Payments are made directly to Polocrosse Australia and membership is instant. As a member you are insured and eligible to attend practice, coaching, tournaments and nominate for representative competitions in accordance with the selected membership category.
Player Transfers
If you wish to transfer interstate and you are nonfinancial please contact the State secretary.
If you are already a financial member, to transfer interstate please utilise the National Online Database application under your personal membership.
Mutual Memberships
Players wishing to play for a period of time with a Club other than their primary Club may register with an interstate Club as a mutual member. Players may only register with one second Club at a time. With regard to State representative competitions or State Championships, the player will represent only their primary Club and relevant State Association OR are transferred to Club and relevant State Association ie they may not play for their mutual Club. Both the primary Club, the mutual Club and each State Association must approve a mutual membership application.
Players are liable to pay all the usual Club and State Association fees of the mutual Club. If both your primary and mutual Club are playing at the same carnival, you must nominate for your primary Club.
Players wishing to become a Mutal Member of an interstate club they need to contact their primary Club secretary to process the application via the database.